A country boy. Illuminated by reading. A little grizzled by experiences. Good, bad, mediocre. A working life that tells far better than it lived. A marriage and family that was and is a joy. An avid reader, observer and now writer.


A lifelong atheist, someone with what would likely be called ‘a radical perspective.’ I would term it thoughtful common sense.

Someone who has looked on in disbelief, and often shock, for forty years. As my generation has seen health, welfare and prosperity levels explode. While ignoring the obscene inequalities of wealth and income in the UK and throughout the world. And the utter disdain if not trashing of those with any notion of community, values, and purpose beyond mere profit.

For me, solace comes from family, art, literature, music, poetry and the study of Classics, Economics, History and Politics. And writing. An art and craft that tells me much about myself on a daily basis.

Whether that solace is sufficient to overcome my oft trenchant melancholy, you must decide.  Sign up for the newsletter when new posts go up. Read a few of the rants and rumination on the state of the world. Read some of my short stories coming soon here. Or one of my books.
